Carri Beth Photography specializes in newborns and young children. Located in Ortonville, Mi. (southeastern / mid Michigan). Serving Metro Detroit and Mid Michigan, (Oakland, Genesee and Lapeer counties).

Thursday, October 25, 2012

WE DID IT!!!!! | Goodrich, MI. | Child and Family Photographer

That's right, we managed to make up our rain-delayed session from the week prior to this.  I'll tell you though, it wasn't looking good. We woke up to the same weather that put the kibosh on our original session date.  It was dreary and rainy and chilly, but luckily I have patient and enthusiastic clients, who were willing to wait it out and nab our best opportunity of the day.  There was only one stipulation.  We HAD to be done in time for the Michigan vs. Michigan State game.  Lol.

We met at the most beautiful location!  The trees stood vibrant with the gorgeous oranges, reds and golden yellows of fall.  It was definitely the perfect setting for an autumn family session.  We beat the rain, and even got a peek of sunshine here and there. We did have a short battle with the breeze, but aside from that, the weather was nice to us for the entirety of our session.

This session was strategically planned to coincide with the upcoming birthday of their youngest daughter, who is turning one. Unfortunately, little miss Ella was not fond of the nip in the air, so we didn't get any outside pics of her by herself, but she rocked it out for the family shots!  (My legs nearly gave out on me from doing so many power jumps to coax out those precious smiles, but it was sooo worth it for the end result).  I don't think that there could possibly be a cuter family.  And, though we were unable to get a happy Ella outside, we got some great shots of her lovely sisters, and then we captured some ADORABLE images of her inside.
All three of these girls are total gems, and I LOVED spending the day with them, and each of their very different personalities.  This session was a long time coming, and has totally lived up to my expectations.  They couldn't be more perfect.  And, in the end, I'm happy to report that dad made it home in time for the big game, and Michigan came out with a win!  Woot woot!!!!  It was a great day for everyone...........unless you're a State fan.  

Thank you Sarah and Rob, for being so flexible, and working with what mother nature handed us that day.  And, more importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLA!!!!!  :)

Contact Carri at:
Phone:  (248) 678-3601

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Little Bit Of SUNSHINE On A Rainy Day | Ortonville, MI. | ChildPhotographer

Sometimes I wish that I could keep my clients on-call for those moments when the planets align, and the perfect opportunity to photograph someone arises.  Alas, it is unreasonable for me to expect anyone to be able to QUICKLY get their children ready at the snap of my fingers.  (I think all of us moms can attest to the fact that it is nearly ALWAYS an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY.  Lol).  Lucky for me, I have a very willing, (most of the time), and very cute little girl at my beckon call.  ;D

This past weekend, I was sadly forced to cancel two sessions, due to rain.  :(  It was unseasonably warm, and would've been perfect for photographing some little beauties, but the rain just would not let up...........until............much later in the day it miraculously stopped.  Knowing that there was no way to know how long the break would last, and coming to grips with the fact that I cannot get clients to a location at the drop of a hat, I enlisted my own beauty to help me satiate my need to shoot that day.  

So, I snatched up my baby girl, still in her jammies (aka, undies, lol), enjoying a lazy day at home, and I put her in a new combo of two separate outfits that have been hanging around for a while.  I must say, I like the way it turned out, but that may be because Maddie could make a garbage bag look cute.  She got ready so quick, and even let me curl her hair.  Unfortunately, the curls didn't last long in the damp evening air, but she looked adorable regardless.  Tell me if you cannot tell that she LOVES hamming it up for the camera.  She has her moments, like any other kid, but she is just so naturally spontaneous.

Since this was an impromptu shoot, we hadn't planned a location.  Luckily, if you're really looking for it, you can find beauty in just about any location.  These photos were taken in two unassuming locations that we happened upon while quickly running an errand before our spur of the moment photo shoot.  I pass both of these spots on a daily basis, and I must admit that I didn't notice either of them, or how beautiful they are, until I was looking for the perfect spot.  Wouldn't it be great if we all took more time, day to day, to actually LOOK at the beauty around us?  I thought that my creative eye was turned on by default, (I am constantly eyeballing cute shooting spots), but even I have overlooked some of the natural allure that my local surroundings provide.

I am sad that my sessions had to be canceled that day, but I am forever thankful that I have been reminded to open my eyes.  And I am grateful that I had my mini me to add a little bit of sass to the mix.  :)

I love this shot!  My perfect little model.  :)

That's one of my favorite smiling faces EVER!
(There are two more at home that aren't quite as thrilled about being in front of my camera, but that doesn't make me love their smiling faces any less.  :)

Contact Carri at:
Phone:  (248) 678-3601

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Little Buddy, Colton | Grand Blanc, MI. | Newborn Photographer

Check it out, two Coltons in a row on the blog.  And they are BOTH so darn precious!  This Colton is just the sweetest little baby.  I was blessed to be asked to photograph him in his very first moments of life, on the day he was born.  Unfortunately, he was whisked away quickly, and I didn't get to capture all of those things that a photographer hopes to be able to capture, like the moment he is first weighed and measured, or his first skin-to-skin cuddle time with mama.  But patience payed off, and after sticking around for a while, I was able to snatch a few shots of daddy's first time really getting to meet his son, face to face.  I had to shoot through the nursery window, with the blinds down, but they are priceless pictures regardless.  Then, after a bit more waiting, they FINALLY brought mama down the hall to see her precious baby boy, and I was grateful to be granted permission to join them, to help capture her first cuddles with her baby boy.  It was a beautiful and emotional day, and I am so happy that I was asked to be there.  

Fast forward two weeks later, after one postponement due to me getting a cold, (I will NOT shoot a newborn unless I am in tip top health.  I would never risk the health of a baby), I got to revisit this adorable munchkin to do his newborn pictures.  It was a beautiful day, so we were lucky to be able to bring little Colton outside for a quick autumn-themed shoot.  We actually had to relocate leaves from one part of the yard to the ideal spot for the shoot, (we're tricky like that.  lol), but with the help of big daddy, Brett, we made it happen, and it looked great.  Colton loves his daddy so much, and it shows.  I watched in awe as he repeatedly smiled every time daddy would say "are you my little buddy?"  It was definitely something to see.  It never failed.  Every time dad asked him that, he would just smile away, and that went on for a good period of time.  ADORABLE!

The one request that these proud new parents had for me, was to get some shots of their little man with some wolverine gear.  They had a hilariously adorable UofM mohawk hat, which was specially made just for Colton.  I'm not sure that Colton loved wearing it as much as we enjoyed looking at him wearing it.  He just looks so unamused.  Lol.  We then moved on to making some use out of daddy's jersey.  Little Colton barely covers a fraction of that thing.  Still so tiny, at over 8lbs.  Katie and Brett, I'm sure your sweet baby boy will be fitting that thing in the blink of an eye.  Thankfully, you will have these images to look back on and remember how tiny he really was.  :)

Contact Carri at:
Phone:  (248) 678-3601

Thursday, October 11, 2012

And the Winner Is.......... | Ortonville, MI. Toddler Photographer

I recently participated in a local trade show, Septemberfest, that takes place annually in our town.   I had such a great time, and met so many locals, and even ran into more than a few acquaintances that didn't even know that I am a photographer.  (I guess I need to mention that more often, lol).  Anyway, during the show, I had a raffle for a free session, and I am happy to report that the winner of that raffle is the proud mama of an adorable little boy, Koltyn.

Koltyn was so much fun to shoot and we couldn't have had better fall colors and lighting than what we found at Depot Park, in Clarkston.  This little guy is so energetic and just wants to go go go.  It is so fun to watch him toddle on his freshly matured baby legs.  He was such a little stinker as he teased me with his hat.  I would ask for it, and he would quickly pull it away and look at me with the funniest little scowl on his face.  Then he would smirk and extend it back out toward me just to snatch it back again and give me that same serious face from before.  After all of that, he was so sweet when he came up behind me, while I was crouched down, and gave me the biggest hug!  I just melted.

I would've loved to just take him home with me after the session.  We could've cuddled up on the couch and watched the Lions play on a Sunday afternoon.  Ok, so I'm not a HUGE football fan, but I would watch it with this little guy, while he wore his super cute, personalized, Lions jersey.  I'm guessing there is probably some daddy baby cuddle time for him on Sundays.  :)

I really loved photographing this little cutie, from his beautiful brown eyes, that just sparkle when he smiles, to the little whorl of hair that sits perfectly on his forehead.  I cannot wait to see him again.  Thank you to Erica, Bryan, and Grandma for being so great, and being the best assistants.  You have such a beautiful family!  I hope you love these.  :)

Mama didn't want to be part of the photographs that day, but I am so glad that I captured this little moment between the two of them.  Erica, you are beautiful, and you can just tell that Koltyn loves you SO MUCH!!!

Oh yeah, THAT'S the face!  What a stinker.  lol

Contact Carri at:
Phone:  (248) 678-3601

Friday, September 21, 2012

Presenting.......Baby Addison.......Finally! ;P | Flint, Mi. Newborn Photographer

Ok, so I have been soooo busy with life, over the last month or so, that I have been terrible at sharing things here......including things that I am extremely excited about, like the much anticipated newborn photos of my beautiful niece, Addison.  I shared some images from the day she was born, but haven't had an opportunity to share any of her newborn session yet.

So here it goes.  I have put together some of my favorite photos from her session to share with everyone.  (It was not easy narrowing it down, that's for sure).  She is such a beauty, it's a crime to hold on to these and NOT share them.  Addi was so fussy at the beginning of her session, I thought we might NEVER get the shots that we had hoped to get, but after a bit of patience she fell fast asleep and was out like a light, giving me an opportunity to capture her angelic peacefulness.  I just love this little girl so much!  I am so happy for my sister and brother-in-law because they are so fortunate to have such a bright light in their lives, (as are the rest of us).  I'm sure that there will be many more photos of Addison to share in the future, so get to know this little face because you're probably going to be seeing her a lot as she grows.  :)

::::::::::::Hats, made by me.  Flower Headband, made by Cillerenda's Princess Couture::::::::::::

Contact Carri at:
Phone:  (248) 678-3601

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Contact Carri for more info, or to set up an appointment.

Phone: (248) 678-3601