Carri Beth Photography specializes in newborns and young children. Located in Ortonville, Mi. (southeastern / mid Michigan). Serving Metro Detroit and Mid Michigan, (Oakland, Genesee and Lapeer counties).
Princess B. was such a doll. She was wide awake for nearly the whole session. Although her session did get cut short due to an emergency with my son. So this session is really, to be continued. I can't wait because we will be getting pictures of her with her beautiful big sister. I hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Two versions of one photo.
Two versions of one photo.
The paci was the only thing that made her close her eyes and get sleepy. She was an active lil bug.
FYI, she is wearing one of the first hats that I knitted for my newborn sessions.
Love LOVE Love baby feet!
Two versions of one photo.
I just thought it was so sweet that she started to suck her thumb.
Here are a few photos from a short session I did for a friend of mine who is looking to get "growing belly" photos to document her progress with her first pregnancy. She would ask her husband to take a few pics, and they would all look like.....well let's just say, not what she was looking for. I sympathize with her. My husband was terrible at taking preggo pics of me. I really wish I would have had someone to do for me what I am doing for her. This was a lot of fun for me because I got to play a little. I have only had one other maternity session, so the practice was nice. I think that she looks so beautiful in these, and her little belly bump could not be cuter.
19 Weeks

A few versions of one shot.
Madison has got to be one of the cutest babies EVER, and this picture proves it. How can anyone look that adorable while brushing their teeth? Just wait. You'll see.....this is going to be in the next colgate add. LOL.
She sure does love that toothbrush.
Well, I got my Shootsac this week. I figured I'd show it off. It's awesome, and I love it. It's very well made, and just beautiful. Much more stylish than what I was using to carry my stuff. You should check them out at For all of you who don't really need a bag for camera lenses, Jessica Claire also makes a super cute, customizeable bag for your laptop called a Hip Slip. So take a trip on over to her website and check-em' out.
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Contact Carri for more info, or to set up an appointment.
Phone: (248) 678-3601