Carri Beth Photography specializes in newborns and young children. Located in Ortonville, Mi. (southeastern / mid Michigan). Serving Metro Detroit and Mid Michigan, (Oakland, Genesee and Lapeer counties).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pre-maternity session | Holly Mi, Maternity Photographer | Carri Beth Photography

Here are a few photos from a short session I did for a friend of mine who is looking to get "growing belly" photos to document her progress with her first pregnancy. She would ask her husband to take a few pics, and they would all look like.....well let's just say, not what she was looking for. I sympathize with her. My husband was terrible at taking preggo pics of me. I really wish I would have had someone to do for me what I am doing for her. This was a lot of fun for me because I got to play a little. I have only had one other maternity session, so the practice was nice. I think that she looks so beautiful in these, and her little belly bump could not be cuter.

19 Weeks

A few versions of one shot.


Heather Georger said...

She is cute! You did a great job on these, I am sure they will be treasured!

MPH Photography said...

She's a beautiful mom to be, she's definitely glowing and you captured you so beautifully. Good job.

Sarah said...

These are wonderful! She is going to love these!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

I love these and LOVE the green wall!

April Alcorn said...

OH I LOOOVE this green wall!! Looks fantastic with her pretty blue shirt!!! Great job girl!!

Tiffany Lense said...

Love the color combos! Great job!

Mel Chern said...

What a great idea to market. The "growing belly" plan. Hmmm...might have to work on that and run with it.

Mel Chern

Anonymous said...

fun colors and she has that pretty glow going on... i really like these

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

Great pictures! all of them.
Love the green wall, beautiful.

Carri M. said...

The green wall did work out pretty great with what she was wearing. I might have to actually try to market the "growing belly" plan. I hadn't thought about it. I was just helping out a friend, but if it turns out the way I want it to in the end, I might have to try to get more pregnancies to document.

J. Fata Studio said...

Adorable maternity session, love the colors of her shirt and the wall, so fun!

Mary said...

She looks glowing and beautiful!! Beautiful work!

My Crafty Mama said...

Oh I love that green background! So bright and fun. Goes perfect with her shirt.

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Phone: (248) 678-3601