Carri Beth Photography specializes in newborns and young children. Located in Ortonville, Mi. (southeastern / mid Michigan). Serving Metro Detroit and Mid Michigan, (Oakland, Genesee and Lapeer counties).

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mr. E. | Mid Michigan, Newborn/Baby Photographer | Carri Beth Photography

I had the pleasure of being in the delivery room with a friend of mine while she had her second son. It was amazing to be involved in the whole process. I managed to snap a few photos of the little guy, so I thought I would share a few.

Taken the day he was born.

Blurred out his name for privacy purposes.

Taken the day after.
Check out all of that thick red hair.

I love it when babies sleep with their mouth open.

And one of him at 3 weeks.
Love that smile.


Shannon Kelley said...

so precious! I think that is such a cool idea to have a photographer there for the birth...precious first pictures!

Katherine said...

Adorable, love that red hair!

Heather Georger said...

holy cow, he has so much hair!
The last image of him "smiling" just melts my heart, how sweet!

LaDonna said...

These are so beautiful. What a great experience!

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

OMG what a beatiful baby
and his hair color and quantity is amazing
Great pictures

Unknown said...

What a sweet little boy! Awesome photos!

EC said...

How wonderful that you were able to be there! That shot of him and his electric red hair is awesome!

Tiffany Lense said...

AWww....what sweet pictures!

My Crafty Mama said...

love them all but the last one is too precious!

Erin said...

Love the one of him smiling, it is so cute!! Great photo's, thanks for sharing!!

Mel Chern said...

Look at that HAIR!!!

Mel Chern

Amy Dungan said...

He is just precious!! And I LOVE that hair!!!

Mary said...

These are gorgeous and that last one wow!

MPH Photography said...

What a sweet smile. These are lovely.

Kyla Branch said...

How sweet love all that hair and the last one. That smile could melt your heart!

Dani said...

AHHH! The hair is adorable! And I love that last one! These are photos they will treasure forever. How wonderful that you got to share this withy our friend :)

christina said...

this is the best photo eveeeeer! he is so cute! cuter than cute! he's perfect!

Unknown said...

That hair! These are beautiful! You have a God given talent! Love them!

Anonymous said...

Love that hair! What a blessing that you were able to be there!

Rhonda said...

That laugh shot is awesome!

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Phone: (248) 678-3601