These two little cuties are the lucky winners of my spring contest. We managed to dodge the rain the morning of their shoot, although little Miss S. had A LOT of fun with the tinkerbell umbrella that I brought to protect her from the potential rain. Lol. They are both so adorable, and Miss S. was looking especially cute in the dress that she won from the contest. The dress and headband were generously donated by Pick Your Pocket Studio. They create some of the cutest apparel and accessories around. You can check out their facebook fanpage here.
We had a great morning, and even got a bit of exercise while hiking through the park. So, all in all it was a productive day, and we managed to get some super cute images during all of our fun.
Thank you so much to Pick Your Pocket Studio for the beautiful dress and matching headband. :)

Contact Carri at:
phone: (248) 678-3601